21 October 2008

Student Portfolios & Student Led Conferences

I am sure some parents are very surprised and displeased with the way I have graded this quarter. I apologize for the lengthy process. What I have done is compile every paper your student has completed this quarter to put into a portfolio. I have done this, plus put notes into the computer for EVERY assignment (when possible) so that the comments are viewable to you, their parents. I think that the more feedback you have on your student, the more you can help him/her to become a better writer, thinker, speaker, and listener.

I have collected this information for you to discuss with your student in a "Student Led Conference." You will have specific directions for my class to specifically address your student's needs and strengths. Student Led Conferences are important for the student to identify areas that need to be better to do well on both standardized testing and in life. English, the spoken and written word, is life. People live and love through communication. All forms of communication are an art that has to be practiced to become better.

Hopefully, as we get to the end of the term you will feel this has been an important practice for you. Along the way, I have tried to put in scores so that you know I have received the assignment and am still trying to get all the comments into the computer. This "note bank" allows you to immediately access the good qualities and items that need to be addressed by your student, and they let you access ways you can help your student from any computer at any time that you have Internet access.

Please send me feedback on anything about this process. This is the first time I have done any kind of data collection in this format. It's been extremely time-consuming, but I hope it has been helpful.

Thanks for allowing me to spend time solving mysteries of things unknown and learning and growing with the amazing people in my classes.

20 October 2008

Music Recommendations

I feel a really, really important part of my job is to be "up" on pop culture. One of the focuses I try to make is to bring pictures, books, and lots and lots of music to my class. However, I had a student tell me that I wasn't bringing "their" music. It was all "too old" or "too country" or "over-played."

So, I am asking you to send me great songs. What should I use in my classroom? Please reply in comments or to jillian.phippen@gmail.com with "music recommendation" in the subject line.

Thanks for your help in making ME a better teacher!